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~Can't you keep your motivation? You should enhance it when you need it.(updated 2019/11/16)~

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Can you keep your motivation? If you have a trouble about it, please see the below. I'll introduce not how you should keep it but how you enhance it.

  • We can't keep our motivation. We should enhance it when we need it.
  • We should become a nearer state to that you want to become gradually enhancing our motivation.

I'm creating a game for a long time. I had some time when I didn't have enough motivation to create a game. I considered how I can keep enough motivation.

As a result, I found that we can't keep our motivation but enhance it when we need it. I also found how we can enhance it. Let me introduce them to you.

We can't keep our motivation

Do you go to bed everyday?

That should be true.

Do you have food everyday?

That should be true.

For example, imagine you want to continue to diet.

When you are sleeping, can you try to diet? You shouldn't be able to do that.

When you are having something, can you try to diet? You may forget diet considering about taste.

You'll often forget diet. For example, while working, taking a class, enjoying your hobby,taking a bath, brushing.

We often forget what we want to continue like that.

Therefore, we can't keep our motivation. It is natural, isn't it?

However, we often have something we want to continue.

So, how shold we do?

We should enhance our motivation when we need it.

How to enhance our motivation

Let me show how to enhance motivation.

For example, imagine you want to continue to go running for diet or training.

Let me define necessary motivation to go running as 100.


Imagine you don't have enough motivation to go runnning. That will often happen.

How should you do?

You should enhance your motivation.

How can you enhance it? You should become a nearer state to running gradually.

Let me explain specifically.

You'll need less motivation to change your clothes to run than that to go running. Let me define it as 20 here.

The motivation to change your clothes to run is 20.

You'll have more motivation than 20 because you need motivation of 20 to change your clothes.

It is important to forget to go runnning. You should just change your clothes thinking you don't need to go running if you can't have enough motivation.

Possibly, you can go running at this point.

Here, let me assume you haven't been able to go running yet. Then, let's strech. You should just stretch thinking you don't need to go running if you can't have enough motivation. Let me define necessary motivation to stretch as 40.

The motivation to stretch is 40.

You'll have more motivation than 40. Perhaps, you can go running at this point.

Let me assume you haven't been able to go running yet. Then, You should leave home. Think all you have to do is leaving home. Let me define necessary motivation to leave home as 60.

The motivation to leave home is 60.

You'll have more motivation than 60. Maybe, you can go running at this point.

Let me assume you haven't been able to go running yet. Then, You should walk. Let me define necessary motivation to walk as 80.

The motivation to walk is 80.

You'll have more motivation than 80. You will be able to go running at this point.


You can enhance you motivation easily like 20⇒40⇒60⇒80⇒100 gradually. You shouldn't try to enhance your motivation to 100.

The key is "gradually". You should decide the temporary purpose depending on the amount of motivation you can enhance.

Because game is main content in this site, let me introduce how I enhance my motivation to create my game.

I'm configuring starting the software to program, or eclipse to a temporary purpose.

I can often begin to program when I start eclipse. If I can't enhance my motivation sufficiently, I execute the program of my game to play my game meaninglessly.

I could always begin to program after that.

Using the above means to discipline yourselves

I showed how to enhance our motivation.

If we do the opposite, we will be able to reduce our motivation.

In the other words, we should become a different state from the action you don't want to do to discipline ourselves.

Let me show it specifically.

For example, imagin you want to reduce time to read comics.

You will take a comic easily. The state is near to the state where you can read a comic.

You can store comics somewhere except your room to prevent you from reading a comic. You can also store comics somewhere you can't take them easily.

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