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~Weapons, shields, sound effects, new monsters and a new dungeon are implemented(Roguelikegame "The adventure of a man with six powers" development diary10 2019/06/29)~

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I implemented swords, shields, sound effects, new monsters. I created a new dungeon.

It took the longest time to implement sound effects in this update.

Sound effects should suit the graphics. I needed to improve programs for it.

I would implemnt sound effects at the end of the development. However, it was better to implement them in this time.

If I hadn't done that, it would have taken long long time to improve programs.

It wasn't difficult to implement swords, shields, and new monsters because I had implemented the similar things. However, it took long time to implement graphical expressions.

The reason will be that the imagination is different from the real.

I implemented the first monster with a special move. That is the monster, "platon". It looks like plant. It scatters pollen to confuse the player character.

The animation of its move, the animation of scattered pollen, playing a sound effects, confusing the player character should be executed at right timing. So, it was difficult.

I'm expecting it will take shorter time to implement graphic and audio expressions for a special move because I can refer to platon's special move.

It took longer time to arrange the difficulty of this game than I had imaged. I arranged the attack and diffence of new monsters and experience points to gain a level and confirmed the difficulty again and again.

Arranging the difficulty is difficult, but fun because I feel I'm creating a game.

I don't know the game have become interesting because I don't know how difficult the game should become. I hope the game have become interesting.

If I think it isn't interesting, I'll arrange the difficulty in the future.

I warry that how long time it takes to arrange the difficulty of longer dungeon.

What abnormal state a character is came to be expressed by an image at the lower left corner of the character. If a character is some abnnormal states, it came to change at regular intervals.

We can confirm what abnormal state a character is if we see its the lower left corner. We will be able to concentrate on playing the game better.

You can play this roguelikegame "The adventure of a man with six powers" at this page for free without any registration and installation.

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